Generation Pillar

Generation Pillar is a local non-profit organization registered to work nationally throughout Ethiopia in general thematic areas with the registration number 3996. Our organization was established in 2018 by Mr. Yohannis Namomsa and Mr. Waraksa Kumara to reach the most vulnerable communities where the basic needs and rights are far to secure for majority of the population. It has legally formed by constituting all the necessary managerial policies and guidelines for each departments including the finanice and human resource section which are required by the registering government body, the Agency for Civil Society Organizations of FDRE.

Practice Areas

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We work for better education in the country by supporting schools and students with materials support and advocate for quality education

Human Rights

We work for human rightrs to be protected for all citizens particularly for vulnerale group of people including women, children and people living with disabilities.


We work for rural communities in the country to access health services that they deserve. We focus on HIV, Malaria, TB with utmost effort to serve both communities and health servies to imrove their efficiency.

Environmentral Protection

We work to preserve the environment that is highly degraded to stop the climate change that we are all facing ahead.

Benificiaries in education
Our impact on human rights adovacy
Benificiaries in health
16. +
Success Rate on environmental protection
99. %

Current board members of Generation Pillar

Our board members are selected in by the general assembly based on the organization’s bylaws.

Waraksa Kumara

Board chairman Education qualification : Bsc in Construction engineering and Management Work experience 4 year at Oromia Water works construction on post of Wollega Stadium project Engineer and construction engineer 5 years World Vision Ethiopia Assosa Homosha Area development program Infrastructure Engineer. 3 years WK Construction and Engineering plc General Manager

Addimasu Terefe Waltaji


Addimasu Terefe Waltaji.Board member:

Admasu Terefe Woltaji.Educational qulfications :BSc in public Health from Jima university.Master of Pubilic health (MPH) from Haramaya university. Job experience: work leadership and managment in Govern ment health Organization for18 years.Work In NGO FHI 360* for 16 years.and additional took short term courses attended TOT cause manegment Training on USAID CV C project, Global learning from university of Washington. and Los experienced.Currently resigned and Jamo Mekene Yesus Church Chairman(leader).


Birhanu Degefe Berkesa


Birhanu Degefe Berkesa.Board member

Birhanu Degefe Barkesa. Educational Qualification:BA in Bible and Theology from Addis Ababa Bible College with Global University. MA in Community Development from Lead Star University. Job experience Local Church Pastor for more than 20 years. Currently Ethiopian Full Gospel Seminary Adama region Principal.

Nabiyu Tolina Kusa


Nabiyu Tolina Kusa Board member

.Education Background
1.1 Level of Educational ;MBA Masters
1.2Tayps of Education :Business Administration
1.3 Total Work Experience 15 years
1.3.1 Revenue Officer 2years
1.3.2 Zonal Level Team Leader 1year
1.3.3 Sub-City Revenue Manger 6years
1.3.2 Sub-City Team Leaders and up-to now 6years
II.Monthly Salary 18,701
III.Additional Certify
1.Certificate of Rules of Ethiopian Taxation and Policies ;from Ministry of Revenue
2.Certificate of Rule of Odit and Regulation ;from Ministry of Revenue
IV.Additional Experience
1.Students Council Members (Adama University)
2.Church Elders Member (EEMY-Bethel Jamo Congregation for 8 years)
3.Bord Members of EEMY-Bethel Synod Finfinne and Surround

Yohannis Namomsa Rebu

Founder and Executive Director Yohannis Namomsa Rebu.His Educational qualfications:Bible of Arts In Bible and Theology(BA). From (2008_2011). Master of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies (MPHIL).From (2013_2015). Both His BA& MPHIL are from Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary.Basic Computer skills from Addis Ababa Technical and Vocational Training.From (2010_2011). Dgree program social Work department studying at Ambo University.His Job Experiance: Church's Pastor from (2005 _ 2024). Bible and Mission College's principal at Dale Lalo Region Bible and Mission College from( 2014 _ 2017).Generation Pillar Organization (GPO) founder and Excutive Director From( 2018_).

Yohannis Namomsa Rebu

Founder and executive director

Are you interested to work for Generation Pillar? Would you like to volunteer in community work? 

Come and join us by applying here. Generation Pillar is the best place to start.


Let's win together

Be our donor and reach remote communities where we operate for better future for all.

Why Choosing Generation Pillar as implementing partner!


Will see the developed generation holistic: Physically, Mental, Economically, Social, Ethical, and Spiritual and environmental.


  1. Working to change the generation: Physically, mental, economically, social, ethical, spiritual and environmental.
  2. Creating the projects proposal and collectives fund to support the children those who are needed support by food security, health care, sanitations and educational materials.
  3. Creating the projects proposaland collectives fund to empowering the women those who are challenging empowering themto survive their daily life.

4.Creating the projects proposal and collectives  fund to enabling unemployed youth those who are   graduated from college and university and job seeking but still no have job,  an enabling them job creators.

5.Creating the projects proposal and collectives fund to providing overage men and women those who are clinging by food security, health care, shelter and clothing.

6.Creating the project proposal and collectives fund and aware the young people to protect themselves from HIV Aids and minimizing its transmissions. 

7.Creating the projects proposal and collectives fund to gives the communities’ development trainings for community and civil servants to realizing sustainable development and good governances.

  1. Cooperating with donors, nongovernment, governments, organizations and individuals to realizing the vision and missions of the organization.
  2. Keeping and implemented the rules and regulations of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Agency for Civil Society Organizations, gender polices financial statements and donors interested.

Experienced staff

Very well versed Strategic plan

Highly professuibak audting and financial structure

Meet the our team

The team with exclusive background on charity work in Ethiopia

Alemayo Geleta.BA in Bible and Theology.Job experience Bible Teacher and Gawo Dale Full Gospel Belivers church Regional office presedenty.(GPO velenteer coordinator at Sedi Chanka district).
Alemayehu Geleta
Michael Debsu Debelo.educational Qulfication: BA in Bible and Theology.MA in Mission and Evangelism.Job experiance church pastor and Gawo Dale Full Gospel Belivers Regional former president.( GPO volunteer coordinator Dale Wobera woeda).
Michael Debsu Debelo
Our begining partner of the project Ato Mulatu Tesema. He begun serving by teaching, then as an auditor and planning section group leader in district finance office. Then he joined a child development project of EMWACDC. He has been proposed for additional job to coordinate Dembi Dollo branch development office as a zonal level. He has graduated his studies in steps of TTI, Diploma in Maths, BA in Bus/Mgt, and Masters in Bus/Administration and have served for above thirty years.
Mulatu Tesema

Where we are:

Come and visit us at our HQ

Helina is 9 years old who is ready to go school. She is one of our children who receives support from Generation Pillar. She receives school materials, after school program tutoring and food supply for her lunch bos.